Loughton   Wed 28th Sep 2022

Timings: 15 minutes per player per game.
Kevin was a clear winner of the PreSeason RapidPlay. Stephen was second. Bill was third.
An excellent turnout with seventeen players, good games and only one draw.
Thanks to
  • all who helped solve the internet connection problems.
  • all who played, especially those playing for the first time.

1Bowmer, Kevin 16w+ 2b+ 5w+ 3b+ 6w+5
2Middleton, Stephen 14b+ 1w- 12b+ 13w+ 4b+4
3Stirling, William J 9b+ 4w+ 6b+ 1w- 8b=
 4=van Tol, Martin 7w+ 3b- 14w+ 5b+ 2w-3
Kershaw, Graham J 13b+ 8w+ 1b- 4w- 9b+3
Collins, Fred 17w+ 10b+ 3w- 8w+ 1b-3
O'Leary, Stephen 4b- 9w+ 8b- 17w+ 13b+3
8Steele, James D 11w+ 5b- 7w+ 6b- 3w=
 9=Stiffell, Lyn 3w- 7b- 11w+ 14b+ 5w-2
Brunger, Myles 6w- 17b+ 12w- 14b+2
Gudovijus, Kestutis 8b- 13w- 9b- 15w+ 12b+2
Newby, Jonathan 17b+ 2w- 10b+ 11w-2
Smith, Michael 5w- 11b+ 15w+ 2b- 7w-2
 14=French, Harvey 2w- 15b+ 4b- 9w- 10w-1
Brunger, James 14w- 13b- 11b- 17w+1
 16=Groce, Ken 1b- 0
Dodoo, Ronald 6b- 12w- 10w- 7b- 15b-0